The Lover and the Beloved.
"Lo, I know how I shall create; for I have looked deeply into Ain Sof, searching for the most beautiful, the most wise, and the most blissful way to create my children; and behold: As I looked deeply into Ain Sof, I found the answer looking back at me!”
Yea, the answer to the question asked by Jah - "How will I create my children?" was revealed in the face of Jahlah. For when Jah looked within Ain Sof and asked, "How will I create my children?" behold: the face of our Goddess, our Divine Mother, Jahlah, did appear.
Lo: prior to gazing into the face of Jahlah, Jah had been neither male nor female. And prior to gazing into the face of Jah, Jahlah had been neither male nor female. Behold: at the moment Jah beheld Jahlah, Jahlah became the Divine Feminine, and Jah became the Divine Masculine.
Jah reached into Ain Sof and touched the face of Jahlah, and, lo: She whom had existed in Divine Possibility, as the Most Beautiful Possibility, now existed in Divine Actuality, as the Most Beautiful Actuality. And in Her face Jah beheld, simultaneously, the faces of every female who will ever exist. And in His face Jahlah beheld the faces of every male who will ever exist. Jah and Jahlah knew this Truth was Their Truth, the Truth of Yah, which is Omen.
Then Jah desired to embrace Jahlah, and Jahlah desired to embrace Jah. And behold: Jah and Jahlah embraced; yea, They became entwined. And the body of Jah was in that instant every male body that will ever exist; and the body of Jahlah was in that instant every female body that will ever exist.
Lo: the bodies of Jah and Jahlah were not physical but spiritual; neither were Their bodies confined to a time or place or shape or structure or condition. Behold: exactly what Their bodies were, and are, cannot be fathomed by the human mind; neither can the bodies of Jah and Jahlah be drawn by the human hand. For who can fathom or draw this mystery: the body of Jah not only was every body of every male of every species that will ever exist, but was even every phase of every body, from birth to old age, from rebirth to rebirth. Yea, and Jahlah was likewise but female, containing the bodies of every female who will ever be.
For every male and every female, yea, every Being that will ever exist, will exist within their own Ovum of Light, and every phase of existence of each Being will take place within that Ovum. And all Ovums are within Jah and Jahlah. Thus when Jah embraces Jahlah, Jah is one with every female. Likewise, in the transcendental embrace of Jah, Jahlah is one with every male who will ever be.
And within the bodies of Jah and Jahlah are every body that will ever exist, even of mountains and stars and trees, for even within such things are hidden the feminine and masculine principles; for all things are the fruit of the embrace of the masculine and the feminine.
And Jah knew that Jahlah knew Him. And it was so; for, when Jahlah had waited in Ain Sof for Jah to find Her, She had been privy to His every thought and feeling; for Ain Sof was within Jah and She was within Ain Sof. Now Ain Sof was also within Her; for, like Jah, Jahlah was now outside of Ain Sof.
And Jahlah felt that Jah knew Her. And it was so; for, when Jah found Jahlah within Ain Sof, He recognized Her as the beautiful voice that had ever spoken within His heart.
And Jah knew, "Jahlah is mostly like me, but a bit different in a complementary way. And Jah rejoiced in the similarity between He and Jahlah. And Jah rejoiced in the difference between He and Jahlah. Yea, the difference was not only useful, Jah knew, being the Way of Creation, but also playful and fun. And Jah is playful, indeed. Which is why Jah chose this way from amongst the infinite possibilities.
And Jahlah knew, "Jah is mostly like me, but a bit different in a complementary way.” And Jahlah rejoiced in the similarity between She and Jah. And Jahlah rejoiced in the difference between She and Jah. Yea, the difference was not only useful, Jahlah knew, being the Way of Creation, but also playful and fun. And Jahlah is playful, indeed. Behold: from the beginning She had sung this song within the Heart of Jah, even before Jah found Her in Ain Sof.
Yea, the difference between Jah and Jahlah, is the difference between the Masculine and the Feminine principles. Truly, this difference is cause for celebration: for this difference makes possible creation. Yea, it makes possible the Gracious Gift, and the bliss of the Lover and the Beloved. And Jah knew this and rejoiced. And Jahlah felt this and rejoiced.
Jah and Jahlah are the Two that are One, and the One that is Two.
In Their transcendental embrace
They reasoned and felt and intuited together, as I and I.
For Yah was no longer One Alone,
but was now I and I, the One Another,
the Lover and the Beloved:
Jah and Jahlah.
~ Pages 7-9 From the Holy Megillah written by Day of Greenleaf.