The prayer of the cosmos.
The Aramaic prayer of the cosmos is an ancient and sacred script filled with alchemical power. This prayer has been called The Lord’s Prayer in mainstream Christianity although the translation has lost its magic over time. Aramaic was a Semitic language spoken by the ancient desert people used around 900 BC and was used differently to how we comprehend language in our society today. In the time it was spoken, it was used somatically, as a way to expansively experience life in a supernal cosmic channelled form of communication with the Divine, bridging the gap between the material and spiritual realms. Each letter with its own vibration and resonance. Many mystical Aramaic texts hold divine teachings and prophetic insights. Read more.

The English translation of the ARAmAIC PRAyer of the cosmos.
O Birther! Father-Mother of the cosmos.
Focus your light within us.
Create your reign of unity now through our fiery hearts and willing hands.
Help us love beyond our ideas and sprout acts of compassion for all creatures.
Animate the earth within us: we then feel the wisdom underneath supporting all.
Untangle the knots within so that we can mend our hearts simple ties to each other.
Don’t let surface things delude us, but free us from what holds us back from our true purpose.
Out of you, the astonishing fire, returning light and sound to the cosmos.
So it shall be.

Prayer Tranmission
Before you immerse yourself in the divinely transcendent language of this prayer, please read and receive the English translation above. Then when you are ready, ground with 3 expansive breaths in and out. If you feel open, let it fully wash over all. Expanding you in places you never knew.